Royal Club Room

Royal Club Room

Treat yourself to a luxury stay at our Royal Club Rooms with views of the vibrant skyline of Chennai city. The lavishly appointed Royal Club guestrooms are richly endowed in décor and comfort providing a regal experience that remains incomparable.  

Our Royal Club guests also enjoy the amenities at the Club floor, including meal presentations, cocktail hours, access to an exclusive billiards room and more. Experience unmatched luxury and comfort in our 5-star hotel room in Chennai. 


  • The Leela Palace Service
  • The Leela Palace Service

    Experience a unique and signature service where every guest experience is personally curated by the Butlers assigned to you as a single point of contact before, during and after your stay.

  • Airport transfers in BMW

  • Express check in

  • Personalised business centre services

  • Privileged access to the Royal Club

  • Tishya by The Leela bath amenities

Rooms & Suites