Curated Offers

Stay with us to unlock exclusive benefits and special privileges.

    Leela DISCOVERY Member Special Offer

    Enjoy up to 20%* off on our finest stays  |  Up to 7% Discovery Dollar rewards  |  Complimentary breakfast

    Royal Summer Escape

    Enjoy an extended stay with our compliments as you book for 3 nights and pay for only 2.

    Time Travel with The Leela

    A meal of your choice | 15% Savings on Spa | Bottle of house wine once during the stay

    Festive Getaway

    Escape the ordinary and indulge in unparalleled luxury with an opulent getaway. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking splendor of our award-winning…

    Aujasya by The Leela – Wellness Weekend

    Gourmet wellness dining curated by Dr. Ankita Jalori | Expert-led nutrition session and vitality cook-off

    Bed and Breakfast

    Book our Bed and Breakfast offer and enjoy an unforgettable stay in opulent environs.

    Royal Meetings

    Plan your next residential meeting or special corporate event with us.

    The Leela Palace Trail

    Welcome to The Leela Palace Trail, a curated multi-day itinerary to eight exquisite award-winning palaces and resorts.