Curated Offers

Stay with us to unlock exclusive benefits and special privileges.

    Majestic Welcome

    Sumptuous buffet breakfast at Solcito | Complimentary room upgrade | Complimentary art walk | In-room check-in experience

    Leela DISCOVERY Member Special Offer

    Enjoy up to 20%* off on our finest stays  |  Up to 7% Discovery Dollar rewards  |  Complimentary breakfast

    Time Travel with The Leela

    A meal of your choice | 15% Savings on Spa | Bottle of house wine once during the stay

    Bed and Breakfast

    Sumptuous buffet breakfast | Complimentary Wi-Fi

    Suite Indulgence

    2 Way airport transfers in a luxury sedan  |  Chef curated 3-course meal  |  Breakfast at a pre-designated venue

    The Leela Palace Trail

    Welcome to The Leela Palace Trail, a curated multi-day itinerary to eight exquisite award-winning palaces and resorts.